A beginner question from this new member

    Date: 10/07/05 (Web Development)    Keywords: html, security, web


    1. I am beginning to learn HTML and Flash, and I have a semi-photographic memory and a learning curve that approaches infinity over a matter of a dozen hours or so.
    2. I've never put up an actual website before--I've stuck pretty much to LiveJournal.
    3. I want to start a website (I've already registered the domain name) with the following features:
    • an embedded Livejournal
    • A few nice, classy, low-graphic-content text pages, some photos, and a ton of links
    • the ability to handle up to a few million page views and click-throughs per day, once it gets going (yes, I'm extremely humble)
    • scalable so I can add graphics and more advanced content as I go
    • zero popups.
    Where should I be looking for a service to host a site with these features?  What's the price range I should expect (I need to start cheap now, but if it explodes I can pump in cash later)?  I place a premium on security and stability, and would love to support Open Source folks wherever I can. 

    I know some of this might sound contradictory--like I know what I'm talking about, and then I'm a complete newbie the next sentence.  I'm just getting started and would love to hear whatever anyone has to offer.

    Case (yes, I'm big on literary references)

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/251924.html

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