[Geek] reading excel into a web form

    Date: 10/10/05 (Web Development)    Keywords: database, sql, web

    I have been told we need to make a feature that will
    allow the user to upload an excel spreadsheet (this
    will always be formatted in the same was) to the server
    then on postback link to the spreadsheet and read the
    information from specific cells out into a web form
    which can be checked before submission by web form
    to the sql server database.

    I've never done this before i am fairly sure that i
    can connected to a excel spreadsheet as a datasource
    *hopes with fingers crossed* but can i specify individual
    cells to write from? how difficult is to specify which
    worksheet your wanting information from etc

    I am going to look into it on the web later but if anyone
    has any ideas or has done something similar i'd very
    much appreciate any help with this, I did in the past
    have to attempt connecting to a excel sheet which
    didn't go well.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/253462.html

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