Server-side scripts

    Date: 10/24/05 (Web Development)    Keywords: php, browser, html, java, web

    I want to make server-side scripts, but I have never done anything like this. So, I know very little about this subject.

    I need advice on how to get started. More specifically, I need someone to show me how to make a simple website. And then, I think I can do the rest... I believe I can learn PHP by myself. I already know HTML, JavaScript, C, and some other languages. All I need is someone to show me how to start.

    This is what I need:

    I would like someone to show me step-by-step how to create a simple website which would have three things on it:

    1. some text

    2. an input textbox

    3. a submit button

    This website should do the following: When people visit the website and enter some text and click on submit, the browser should send the text to the server. The server then should save the information in a simple text file, and next time when someone clicks on the refresh button, this text should appear on the website at the top of the page. That's all.

    I would like someone to assist me, to tell me how to create a website like this from scratch from start to finish.

    I don't want to install PHP on my computer. I want to open an account at a remote server and learn how to make this simple website.

    I need advice. Where should I open the account? What kind of language should I use? Should I learn Perl or PHP? Can I write the program in C? So, I have a lot of questions. Please help!


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