Now I'm really screwed.

    Date: 11/02/05 (Web Development)    Keywords: php, mysql, software, html, technology, database, sql, security, apache

    This is a follow up to the post I made before regarding this database connection problem I'm having. (

    After receiving responses from people that suggested I install the MS SQL PHP functions, I inquired with my IT contact (we are a large institution and therefore have ridiculous amounts of red tape to deal with) as to whether or not they could be installed.

    This is what I was told:

    We do not support MSSQL odbc connection on our Sun Solaris server running Apache. mssql_connect would require a staff member who knows the technology, purchase of licensed software (which we do not have), and recompiling of Apache that may potentially break other users code. Also, there would be MSSQL security issues if we were to open up or authorize connections to it from our Sun Server, we host a variety of departmental databases on that SQL server, that could be a potentially serious problem if any of our other databases we to be compromised. Sorry for the inconvenience, but that is the story.

    If I can't connect to that database, the entire project that I'm working on is going to be fucked and I have a 11/21 deadline. I need to know two things, if any of you can discern from all of this:

    1. Is it EVER going to be possible for me to connect to that database? Or should I just stop wasting my time and create another for my personal use?

    2. If it is possible, can someone tell me how? :(

    Thanks everyone.

    Cross posted to PHP/MySQL communities.


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