possible web design business?

    Date: 11/06/05 (Web Development)    Keywords: web

    I don't know if this is where this should be posted--if not, please direct me to a proper community. :\

    Recently a friend of mine started a portrait photography business, and I offered to build a website for it. Now there are at least three people who are interested in hiring me to build their websites! This looks like a golden opportunity to jump into the web design business.

    I have been tinkering with websites in some fashion for four years, mostly using free/cheapo programs, and during the last year, Dreamweaver. I do not know how to make flash and have zero interest in learning it as I consider it 'web pollution.' I've used PSP 6-8 for four years and recently switched to GIMP (b/c I got an eMac!), plus Adobe Photoshop Essentials 2. I'm not a rocket scientist, but I'm a quick learner and am willing to do [almost] anything to please a customer. It is THEIR website.

    That being said...I'm looking for information on this matter as it's the first time people have wanted to pay me for building a site. What should I charge? HOW to start a business (I don't want trouble with the IRS :P). If anyone has suggestions or links for me to look at, it would be very appreciated.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/265866.html

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