Beyond frustrated.

    Date: 11/10/05 (Web Development)    Keywords: asp

    My concerns here are with the table, not really anything else just yet.

    All the the text, link or not, should be red at the top of the table. I feel like I've done everything correctly to enable this.

    Why is the first column pushing over so far? There's no text bumping up against the date column on the "title" side, so why is the date smashed into the column to the right of it?

    Also, any suggestions at all to help this look less cramped (though it doesn't seem like I have many options) would be appreciated. This page is going to be filled with content dynamically via asp so the table could conceivably get quite large depending on what search is run.

    Checking mostly in IE, but checked in Firefox too and similar/worse problems with the text color arise (no change to the table layout though, still date is smashed up against participants).



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