Documentation site question/request for suggestions
Date: 12/11/05
(Web Development) Keywords: cms, php, web
Hi, I would like to request for suggestions regarding any open-source PHP apps that can be used for this, er, problem of mine. You see, I'm part of this development project that's handled online, and we need to have some form of documentation up (functional and technical specifications, and hopefully later on, help files). We're around a half-dozen in number, and I would really prefer to use something like PhpWiki which would allow any of us to add to the document and have it be reflected dynamically.
However, there are a few things that I'm trying to look out for as well. The documentation will be released to a larger group later on, however, there are some things that they should not be able to view -- essentially, a number of restricted pages containing restricted information. I understand that with wiki sites you can lock page editing to be just editable by registered users, but is it possible to also designate restricted pages? What about user levels?
On a more technical note as well, how difficult would it be to set up a wiki site? How big will the load be on the server? Since the documentation isnt THE project... it would be a waste of resources and effort if we implemented something too... "expensive".
So in a way, I'm really hoping for some suggestions as to what script/system to implement. Mind, it doesn't have to be a wiki site, really -- just as long as we can easily update information on the spot and restrict some pages. I understand that a plain CMS could also do this -- are there any lightweight ones that you could recommend that would fulfill these needs? The "site" is information-heavy and would need to be easily cross-referenced, hence I was thinking more of a wiki site than a plain CMS-run site.
Thanks so much in advance. :)
(Crossposted to
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