Zip codes

    Date: 12/27/05 (Web Development)    Keywords: database

    Hi everyone,
    I am writing a program that uses zip code location information. I am having a really hard time finding a database for this information in a format that I need. Almost all of the databases I have found have the records like this:

    Sample Records
    "Key West","FL","33040","305","12087","Monroe","P",
    "Stock Island","FL","33040","305","12087","Monroe","A",
    "Raccoon Key","FL","33040","305","12087","Monroe","N",
    "Agoura","CA","91376","818","06037","Los Angeles","A","P"

    I think what I may be looking for is a list of states with unique IDs. A list of counties tied to those state IDs. A list of zip codes tied to those county IDs.

    Am I wrong? The sample records dont seem to follow the rules for database normalization.

    Any insite would be much appreciated.

    cross posted.


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