Splash Pages
Date: 01/26/06
(Web Development) Keywords: web
I am being told through a web-ignorant pseudo-manager that our company's new site MUST have a splash intro page with swirling letters and "rap" music. The company handles promotional items, employee recognition programs and other rewards and does have a few clients in the entertainment industry. Yes I know a lot of sites for movies and TV make extensive use of Flash, but most of these sites are disposable sites and not meant to be useful long term for the most part. Personally I can't stand splash pages, I usually leave the site before the splash is over unless I know something I REALLY want to see is behind it.
My compromise was to have a Flash animation as the main home page graphic while still showing the navigation to other sections of the site, but that's not good enough it was emphatically stated then that there MUST be a splash page and the site must have the same feel of the splash throughout. The development "plan" is actually to created the splash page and sell the idea of the site based upon that. Arrgggh!!!!
The situation is that I am a very skilled designer and I was deliberately excluded from the initial planning meeting. Our former creative director is supposedly now just a salesperson and is no longer my manager. Though he's decided he doesn't want to sell and wants to be my boss again. OK I'll stop there as this isn't
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdev/287245.html