
    Date: 02/08/06 (Web Development)    Keywords: no keywords

    I had hoped to use Drupal to create our company's new intranet. Our IT department only has Windows servers and they don't seem to be able to get things configured properly. There are so many issues with images not uploading and files not being registered, etc and they don't seem to be able to figure any of it out. Is it just not meant to be on a Windows server? Is there a key module that needs to be added or something? Forgive my ignorance on these issues as I am more of a designer than an IT person though I can usually figure out where the problem is, the problem in this instance is that I don't have direct access to this server.
    I am in an awkward position because it's like I'm responsible for getting this up and running ASAP, but not getting any help internally. I have been reading all the FAQ's, forums, etc and it just doesn't seem like other people are having the same issues, that Drupal should pretty much be up and running from the start, which it is running but the functionality seems very limited and buggy.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdev/293600.html

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