Beginning with ASP

    Date: 02/14/06 (Web Development)    Keywords: mysql, database, asp, sql

    Hey all,

    I'm an idiot when it comes to ASP, just just starting, and don't know VBScript either (which is what this developer used). I'm trying to use some of his code for some other database functions to grab different data (which I've tried to modify it to get) but I don't know where I'm going wrong. It's in SQL, not MySQL, too. Any clues? I need to display a list of Transcripts, where the url is TranscriptURL and the Event Title is sEventTitle. Am I collecting the data wrong? Are the loops/connections messed up?

    Anyone who doesn't feel like dealing with it can also just point me in the way of a quickstart ASP/VBscript guide, as well (online better).



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