DreamWeaver Pop-Up Menu Behavior
Date: 02/23/06
(Web Development) Keywords: seo
Hi there... I will mention (again.. I've posted before) that I am new to DreamWeaver...
I'm designing a Student Intranet and I have created a template for the student section and I have a Pop-Up menu attached to images within it. i.e. When you mouseover the Curriculum image to shows the menu of all of the courses offered.
That's all fine and dandy.
Now, I need to create the Faculty section. I've taken my student template, saved as, and saved it as a faculty template so I can add additional menus. On the additional images such as "Academics" I would like a Pop-Up menu just like the one in student. But when I go to assign that behavior to the image it is greyed out. I have opened up many other files and attempted to assign a pop-up menu but it is *always* greyed out... even for the one's that have previously had pop-up menus.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdev/300994.html