free-day-time survey

    Date: 03/12/06 (Web Development)    Keywords: no keywords

    Ok, I need to create a survey of sorts, here's the idea:
    I'm in a university club that's planning different sorts of events. Problem is - people have different schedules. So what we want to to is obtain the information on when people are free during each week-day. Basically, a person would come to the page and be able to submit information that he's free from 9am to 11am, then from 1pm to 3pm, then from 5pm to 7pm, etc. Or any combination thereof. I could just have them enter info in military time, as in, for each day a string like "9-11,13-15,17-19", but that may be a bit difficult for some people and I don't want to have to provide them with a manual on how to use the survey.

    What's the ideal way of doing something like this quickly?


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