Constructive criticism

    Date: 04/11/06 (WebDesign)    Keywords: css, web

    Hey! I'd love some constructive criticism about my web design. Coding, looks and the general feeling you get from the site.

    WHIRLWIND - My personal site in swedish. This site contains most of my life. Diary, photo diary, ego-gallery, art, design, sewing, fanlistings etc. There is a english section where you can read translations of the links so you know what is what and where.

    MASK OF SORROW - This is a page I made for my guild in World of Warcraft. Note that the graphics NOT is by me. I only did the coding.

    IMAGINATIONS - This is just a thing I did when I was bored the hell out of my regular site packed with stuff. I wanted to make something really simple solemnly based on css. I'm not sure what to use the site for since I did it only for fun.

    SO, love, hate, critizise, praise and whatever. I want opinions. Thank you!


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