Help me! I am a graphic designer in over my head!

    Date: 05/02/06 (WebDesign)    Keywords: css, html, java, security, web, hosting, shopping

    Hello all-- hoping to get some advice about security, and/or online stores. I am designing a website for a friend of the family and she wants it not only to be informational but also for customers to be able to order products online. She really has no idea what she is asking for because she doesn't really know how any of this works. I am a graphic design student who is familiar with html, css and some java script but I don't know ANYthing about ssl or encryption or anything.

    So, I have looked at websites like Verisign, who offer certificates and I have this question: what does that actually do for a business?

    And I have viseted sites such as who offer secure hosting with a shopping cart pachage and what not for $99/month... and I am wondering is this pretty much standard for hosting? Can I do better?

    I am sorry if these are all really obvious questions. I have read books and searched online but nothing is better than personal experience and advice.

    If you don't know the answer, perhaps you know who I might ask who might... I was thinking perhaps the business owner could contact her credit card company (the service through which she accepts credit cards), and they could probably give her some idea as to what to do to accept credit cards online...

    Anyhow. I have known this woman my whole life and I am doing this for free (because she is desperate and isn't making a lot of money yet and because I am so underqualified... obviously).


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