Does this sound too pricey?

    Date: 05/19/06 (WebDesign)    Keywords: virus, web, hosting, spam

    A pal recommended DotEasy for my webhost and I'm happy with their service but I just got the following info from them because it's time to renew. Almost another $100/yr for spam/virus protection? Also, can I do better than 100MB for storage? Thanks for the advice. This community is most helpful!

    - Unlimited Hosting: $119.40 / 12 Month(s)
    - Free 100MB Storage Upgrade (option will auto renew)
    - Spam & Email Virus Protection: US$41.70 / 6 Month(s)

    TOTAL : US$161.10 (plus another $41.70 for the full 12 months of spam/virus protection) so $202.80


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