need help with Active Control.. ??

    Date: 05/22/06 (WebDesign)    Keywords: web

    I'm a sorta "new" web designer, I've only made a few sites.. and with this last one I made I have run into a problem. It seems the buttons on the page are prompting the "Click to Run ActiveX Control on this Webpage". 

    I have no clue why this is happening or how I can stop it. The buttons were made in frontpage, the easy way, no images or codes of my own. 

    I was just wondering if anyone knows why it does this and most importantly how I can fix it. A few people told me its been happening and I want to fix it before more people notice or just leave the site because its annoying. 

    Heres the page :  

    Any help would be very very much appreciated! Thanks ~ Dae


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