hosting question

    Date: 05/31/06 (WebDesign)    Keywords: asp, sql, web, hosting, spam

    My org's website is being redesigned, and in the near future we are going to have a backend members only area written in. Because of this, we need to switch hosts, and because our hosting company is going under. These are the items that the company doing our web design/develop listed as us needing in a host.

    Basically, what you'll need is the following:
    1.) ASP/ capable
    2.) several e-mail accounts (with Web-based access as well, which I believe is standard)
    3.) SPAM filtering (we use an application called "Postini" for a small fee per mailbox)
    4.) In the near future, we may need either MS Access or SQL Server for your MO area. It's not totally necessary to have this right out of the gate. I would just make sure that one of these can be added to the server if/when it becomes necessary. It will probably cost extra.

    They suggested this company: but the small disk space and transfer limits concerned me.

    Does anyone have any reliable hosting suggestions that they've used for business site needs?


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