X-posted to all hell

    Date: 06/02/06 (WebDesign)    Keywords: cms, asp, web

    Dear all,

    I need some info.

    This is our company website. It is a big old mess structure wise. There is no CMS or anything useful like that and the architechture/navigation is terrifying. It's a serious nightmare to update (especially for me trying to navigate asp!!) and it needs to be more user friendly.

    I am trying to recommend a course of action that is going to be cost effective (ie. the lower cost, the better) going forward. I think that it would be great to get a content management system in place since we're hoping to use the website a lot more extensively in the future. This would not be difficult since it's barely been touched since it's creation.

    My questions are:

    - A good, basic, cheap CMS - can someone recommend one?
    - Having a quick look at the site, would we benefit having an Information Architecht help?
    - Any other suggestions


    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1119664.html

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