KeyRooT hacking

    Date: 06/09/06 (WebDesign)    Keywords: php, spam

    I've had my domain ( for 4 years now... my host every few months recently shuts it down because of spam and stuff. Apparently it's getting hacked a lot and sending out spam. So they delete everything and reformat it and whatever and I have to reupload everything.

    Well today I went to my site and found that it was hacked with some sort of KeyRooT message. You can visit and see. I talked with my host and they said the only way to solve this is to once again clear my site out. This is really getting frustrating and I do not want to do that another time... I am so tired of this.

    I tried to look for any files that made it do this but apparently it's running through PHP or something. Can someone help me get rid of this hack and possibly tell me a way to prevent things like this from happening again? Every few months I'm having problems like this. Thanks!


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