Putting a survey on my site

    Date: 06/19/06 (WebDesign)    Keywords: web

    Hi everyone o.o I need your help.

    Soon I'll be putting up the first issue of a webzine and I wanted to include a visitor survey on the site (to find out which articles they liked best, what worked/what didn't, what they'd like in the future, etc.).

    I was searching around trying to find a web design code that would allow me to do this, but I can't find one. Instead, I keep finding these services that will host surveys for me, but I'd rather not have outsourced surveys if I can help it.

    All I need is a basic poll, with boxes that can be checked off and a graph that shows up at the end displaying how many people chose what responses, prefereably fixed in a way that allowed only authorized people to access these graphs. Can anybody point me in the right direction?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1126891.html

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