AHHHHHHHH! SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!

    Date: 06/29/06 (WebDesign)    Keywords: web, hosting

    ok i have a good one for y'all.

    a few years ago i registered a domain name thru this company based in houston. we used to have hosting with them as well but it couldn't meet our needs so we switched hosting, but didn't worry about switching the domain name.

    now my boss or whatever you call him (guy i made the website for) wants to change the name servers. that webhosting company doesn't exist anymore. i called the contact listed in the domain name and the guy tells me that the company has since split and the guy who has all the info for the domain names and stuff is gone and they can't get a hold of him or whatever. he's out of the country or something and they don't ever talk or something.

    is there any other way i can change the name servers? i was going to try to register with a different company but the domain is locked and my boss (or whatever) had the foresight to register the domain name for 5 years, so it doesn't expire until 2008.

    any help would be greatly appreciated! bah!!!!!!!

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1131935.html

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