Widget Question

    Date: 07/26/06 (WebDesign)    Keywords: html, java, web

    I was browsing An Inconvenient Truth website and found this neat "widget" - that's what they called it anyway - that could track how many sign-ups your own website has triggered.

    Now I have no idea what a widget is except for those that are on the Mac so could someone help explain how it works? I know rudimentary Flash but I'm not sure if it is enough for this...

    I signed up and they emailed me back the code below to be pasted in between the HTML code.

    Is there any similar (simpler) script to help track "sign-ups" and then display the result automatically? Like the above? I would really appreciate any help or links pointing me to the right direction.


    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1143712.html

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