Is Dreamhost still having email/server issues & brown outs?

    Date: 08/21/06 (WebDesign)    Keywords: cms, software

    I'm asking because I deliberated for a while and finally signed up with last Sunday but I checked out Dreamhost's One-Click installs and they seem to be better maintained than Bluehost's. Apparently this is because BlueHost uses the Fantastico install setup which is notorious for being one or two versions behind.

    I'm particularly interested Dreamhost's Joomla & ActiveCollab ( installs. ActiveCollab would be like a free/open-Source version of 37Signals' Basecamp ( project management and billing software. That alone would save me tonnes of time and money. I need the Joomla or Drupal stuff for a CMS I need to set up for a new client.

    Has anyone here used their One-Click installs and how good are they? What keeps you at DreamHost and are the outages really that bad? I think I may switch this weeked and have my money refunded by BlueHost but would like the extra assurance from actual users.



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