Date: 09/29/06 (WebDesign)    Keywords: no keywords

    I am in need of IMMEDIATELY of TALENTED artists and designers for my company as freelance/consultants. Your work must be artistic, original and out of the box. Flash experience HIGHLY wanted but not necessary.

    Email me directly with a link to your portfolio, your hourly rate and if you work on small to large projects. What is your turn around time and are you able to converse through an IM program and take direction both artistically and illustratively. Also the need to work on lower budget sites for FLAT rates is wonderful but not an absolute.

    about me...My husband and I own we have been in business for 10 years and have recently doubled our business. We have the same 4 clients we started out with 10 years ago and are very proud of that.

    YOU will be required to sign an NDA (non disclosure agreement) and many of the items you creat cannot be used in your PERSONAL/PROFESSIONAL online resume without prior written approval as our clients own the end product.

    If you think you can handle me, the business and be on time and highly creative/artistic email me with what was requested above at

    I have projects to deliver, ASAP!




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