Date: 10/05/06 (WebDesign)    Keywords: browser, css, html, microsoft

    So how many of you have begun testing with IE7 "Release Candidate 1"?

    And can we discuss how to address the problem of Microsoft halfassing CSS standards, therefore rendering my perfect-in-all-browsers-but-IE-except-hacked-for-IE6-so-it-looks-perfect site incorrectly, hacked or not? Where is there a site that can tell me yet more hacks for this POS?

    My anger is consuming me.

    edit: ok i kind of spoke too soon. if i use the * html body hack instead of the !important hack, i can keep ie 6 and 7 separate because ie7 no longer supports the * html body hack .

    it's not 100% perfect but it will do.


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