Hosting/Upkeep charges

    Date: 10/06/06 (WebDesign)    Keywords: web

    Hi everybody, I have a situation where someone wants me to host a site and update it as needed after it's complete, and also host and update an existing site, both on their own domains. This isn't a problem for me, server space isn't an issue, but I was wondering what to charge for this sort of thing, since this is a new situation; they don't want to bother with any of these website issues at all, and I usually deal with academia, where they host and update all their own stuff.

    I was thinking that these two sites won't need that much maintenance, once they're both up and running, and they are pretty simple static 'brochure' sites of about 10-15 or so pages. I can't really see myself spending more than an hour on average, per month on these, and no stylistic changes, just content as needed.

    Taking a stab at it.... $50/mo - what do you think?


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