Frontpage Class

    Date: 10/09/06 (WebDesign)    Keywords: programming, database, web

    Still trying to figure out if I want to go to Ai online. There are no local college courses around here for me to just go learn how to build a website. I would rather be taught than fish around for information for however many years. Anyhoo - one course around here is for frontpage. $160. A far cry from $15,000. However, I've never heard much about frontpage. A total waste or useful knowledge?

    EDIT New Question:
    AI online Classes:
    * Digital Imaging for Multimedia & Web
    * Information Design
    * Screen Design and Graphics
    * Fundamentals of the World Wide Web
    * Basic Web Scripting
    * Computer Animation for Multimedia & Web
    * Web Site Development
    * Sophomore Digital Portfolio
    * Introduction to Programming
    * Database Systems
    * Web Site Development II
    * Interactive Telecommunications
    cost = $15,000

    continuing education around here offers these online courses:
    Creating Web Pages
    Creating Web Pages 2
    Designing Effective Websites
    Introduction to Dreamweaver MX 2004
    Introduction to Flash MX 2004
    cost = $89 per class. Same weekly amount...

    i just want a jumping off base. Do the cont. edu classes sound better for the price than the ai bit?


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