Can anyone recommend a good Dreamweaver tutorial book please?

    Date: 10/11/06 (WebDesign)    Keywords: no keywords

    Hey kids,

    I have a Dreamweaver competency test with a creative staffing agency on Friday. I know how to hand code just fine. I use both Dreamweaver and BBEdit to do so. The issue is, because I use limited features in Dreamweaver, I have a feeling I'm going to score pretty low on the test. I recently took their InDesign test and that was really hard. The interviewer/tester said that it's nearly impossible to get a 5/5 on their InDesign test for instance.

    If their Dreamweaver test is any equivalent, I would like to study up on the parts of the program that I don't really use but some others might.

    Anyway, could you all possibly recommend a good book or two for me?

    Thanks so much...


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