CAPTCHA and FormMail?

    Date: 10/15/06 (WebDesign)    Keywords: asp, spam

    Hey everyone,

    Have been finding that I am getting a lot of spam via FormMail on sites lately. I've been using FormMail as opposed to JMail (Yes, ASP)

    I want to use CAPTCHA with the contact form so I can get rid of these spambots, but have not used one of these scripts before.

    Form -> FormMail.asp -> Thanks.asp

    Form is the form (duh)
    FormMail.asp processes the form
    Thanks.asp acknowledges the form entry

    SpamBot should be unable to get the form processed if they do not enter the CAPTCHA code on the form.

    Any insight as to where to put things where is appreciated. I've come across a few free CAPTCHA scripts for ASP but they have examples of "This is a valid entry" and "This is not a valid entry", which does nothing for me.

    I think the logic for what I am trying to do is:

    If CAPTCHA="right code"
    Then Process Form
    Else Don't process form

    If anyone can help with this, it would be appreciated. I am sure there's others out there with the same problem.


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