
    Date: 10/24/06 (WebDesign)    Keywords: cms

    How can I tell if we're being ripped off? We recently renewed our SSL certificate through the third party that also does our CMS and most of the back-end stuff. I don't know much (read: anything) about the certificate stuff, but it seems awfully expensive - $300 to start, and now I think it was $349 to renew. Our new IT guy (who hasn't actually started working here yet, but has been freelancing) told our finance guy, who told me, that it's less hassle for us if they deal with it even if it is a bit expensive. Costs, according to the finance guy, are around $100 to do it ourselves - but what, exactly, does this entail? Or, if anyone knows any good resources for reading up on this I would appreciate it.

    Thanks in advance for any help.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1181183.html

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