Web Project

    Date: 11/16/06 (WebDesign)    Keywords: php, mysql, sql, java, web, hosting

    Hello, everyone. I recently acquired a web project that I am, unfortunately, unable to do. It requires some PHP/MySQL and Javascript knowledge that is a little over my head. I was wondering if anyone here would like to either help me with this project, or take it on completely. The company is based in Dallas.

    My website is www.thecablepro.com and we recently had a PHP upgrade by
    our hosting company. Unfortunately some of the calculations for pricing
    were upset by this and are not functional. There is also a number
    showing up on some of the pages directly above the left upper corner of
    the "cost per additional foot" box on the cables themselves. It seems
    the way money amounts are displayed in the sale section is not correct
    either. The amounts are showing up with only one numeral after the
    decimal point.

    If anyone is interested, please let me know by commenting. Thank you.

    Note: I apologize in advance if this is not allowed.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1187771.html

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