Help wanted ... errr needed ...

    Date: 11/25/06 (WebDesign)    Keywords: php, html, database, web, hosting

    I need some help with web work ... a few hours per week worth ... if you already know html &/or php, I need ya ...

    Examples ...

    :: Web site pages are designed, graphics/layout is done ... just need someone to make up the new pages; make tables + add text ...

    :: A client's blog program has been added ... php ... I will provide graphics ... need you put the graphics in place, edit pages to size specifications and help set it up for the client ...

    :: A client needs a store ... I'll install the program, I need you make it look 'pretty' ...

    :: I moved my board ... php ... from one server to another ... some of the posts are missing, I didn't realize it for about a week, have a back-up copy before the move ... need you to go through the posts find out which ones are missing, then add the missing posts to the database ...

    :: I need graphics ...

    Et cetera! Et cetera! Et cetera!

    I will pay via PayPal, postal money order, give you free hosting, &/or pay for a few on-line subscriptions/renewals ... depending on work completed and your preference ...

    I have lots and lots that I need help with, let me know what you can do and point out a few examples ... please + thank ya :)


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