when to apply

    Date: 12/02/06 (WebDesign)    Keywords: web

    hey everyone

    come this spring, i'll be graduating from college! yeah! i'll have a degree completely unrelated to design (mathematics), but i've been working in the field without breaks for 8 years now. i know what i'm doing, i do good work, and i feel that i'm qualified for most of the web design jobs i see out there. i'd like to work for an ad agency, and in-house design group for a big company, or a university. i am not interested in freelancing.

    i'm searching craigslist, monster, random companies i like, and i'm finding a ton of jobs, but i don't know when the appropriate time to apply for these jobs is. a lot of these jobs seem to come and go pretty quickly. i know web design isn't a field that companies really recruit for, so i was wondering what everyone here might suggest. how early is too early to apply for a job? if i found a job that i love in, say, february, would it be weird to apply and say that i can't take it until i graduate in may?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1191806.html

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