Shopping Cart Hell

    Date: 12/05/06 (WebDesign)    Keywords: html, java, web, hosting, shopping

    I'm designing a website for a friend. I have a pretty basic knowledge of html but that's about it. I'm good at simple sites. My friend wants a shopping cart, and would prefer not paypal since it can't calculate shipping. Her hosting plan comes with AgoraCart but I can't figure out how in the heck to integrate it seemlessly into my web design. From what I see it only lets you put in a header and/or footer and you can make no changes to the body. This site isn't just pictures and buy now so that's a problem.

    So the impossible dream questions. Does anyone know of a shopping cart that is: Free, can be integrated into the body and let you add things around it, doesn't require extensive knowledge of perl, java, etc, and works with Dreamweaver would be nice but not required (i can use other html editors).



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