dropdown menu + dreamweaver problem

    Date: 12/14/06 (WebDesign)    Keywords: css

    hey buddies
    the other day i posted about having problems with a transparent css dropdown menu. i figured it out, and even got it to mostly work in IE6. if you ever want to know how to do it, contact me and i'll send you a link or the code. i don't know if it's cool to post the site - are there any complex legalities around posting client sites before they're live? regardless, i will post it when it's live.

    now my problem of the day is that my find and replace panel has disappeared in dreamweaver 8. i'm going to try trashing my preferences but i can't even remember where those are. any suggestions? when i select find and replace from the menu, it just doesn't appear. it happened the other day when i unplugged my laptop from my monitor - when i plugged the monitor back in, the panel was like, left on that monitor. but i've restarted and everything and the monitor is plugged in and it is no where to be found.

    thanks for any help.

    edit: i found my preferences, trashed them, and the panel came back. hooray.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1195404.html

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