Some Questions...

    Date: 03/17/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: css, html, web

    Hi everyone. By reading through some posts here the past couple weeks, and some replys to my posts, I now have a few questions for everyone:

    1. Tables: Why should I stop using them? I've always though Tables were the bread & butter of web design. Part of the reason I think this is because I was pretty much taught to think that way when I was in school for my associates degree. I admit, the school was terrible, but anyway... that's what I was taught. I've seen people on here talk about CSS doing everything tables can... or using DIV tags to do it, and so on. I admit, I know nothing about DIV tags, or what they do... and I know very little CSS... only the fun stuff like link styles and scroll bar colors. Any light shed on this question would be helpful.

    2. CSS: Used for the entire website? Just wondering what the benefits are to using CSS for your entire site, instead of HTML.

    3. IFRAMES: Why are they so bad? I use them all the time, they are easy to use, and I like 'em. In a previous post someone replied that search engines can't search into them if they are on your site... so I recognize that problem... but what else is there? I'd like to hear some more downsides and upsides. Another person recommended I use DIV tags to do IFRAMES job. I don't know how to do this. Can anyone link me to a little DIV tutorial?

    Thats all for now I guess. Thanks in advance for replies!


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