
    Date: 01/08/07 (WebDesign)    Keywords: php, asp, security, web

    Hey folks, I originally poster here concerning a Faculty/Staff site where I would have multiple pages and such.

    Well, after speaking with our IT guy, (it's a bass ackwards process by the way, I'm the webmaster, but I have to give the IT guy all my files so he can upload them.) he says that we have no SSI/A available due to... more or less 'analness.' The school I work for is more than paranoid about net security and etc etc etc. So, that rules out PHP/ASP/anything really because they simply refuse to support it. So any suggestions from this point?

    To reiterate:
    About 70ish faculty and staff pages, each member having his own page. The design and layout remain the same except for an image and copy.

    Thanks all.


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