UK webhosting recs / DreamHost

    Date: 01/16/07 (WebDesign)    Keywords: php, mysql, database, sql, web, linux, hosting, apache

    1) Can anyone recommend any reliable and not too expensive UK based webhosting companies?
    (only hosting, no domain name registration needed)

    Necessary features:
    - Linux/Apache server
    - at least 150MB webspace
    - bandwith/traffic on a normal scale, the more the better *g*
    - PHP (version 4 okay, 5 better)
    - at least one MySQL database
    - FTP access and several email accounts should be a given

    A plus, but not really neccessary:
    - .htaccess
    - cgi/perl
    - shell access

    2) DreamHost as a webhost for a small business website?
    I do have a DreamHost account, mostly for dabbling around and trying out stuff, and love all their features (and low prices). But although I've never had any problems so far, hearing every now and then about down times or bad customer service makes me a bit reluctant to recommend them to a client for hosting their small business website. Opinions, anyone?

    Thanks! :-)


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