let me flee from Y!SB

    Date: 01/18/07 (WebDesign)    Keywords: php, web, hosting

    Yeah, Y!SB is getting on my last nerve.

    Along with spiking from an average of 4,000 403 errors to 100,000+ 403 errors last month (and I have no idea what caused this), the site I run is getting constant 500 errors now anytime someone tries to post a news article via Movable Type

    Does anyone know of a good business-oriented web hosting service that can easily support a site that generally has 150k pageviews/10-15GB of traffic (and this will most likely be increasing).

    The things I'm running that I would like to continue using are:
    Movable Type

    As far as I'm aware, any hosting company should be able to let those work without a hitch, yet Y!SB is giving me a lot of shit the last two months and I'm getting pretty sick of them.

    A good number of POP-capable email addresses would be nice, too, since if we leave Y!SB for web hosting we may want new email hosting as well.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1210240.html

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