Grayscale Image Filter Code?

    Date: 02/11/07 (WebDesign)    Keywords: java, web, seo

    So, I wanted to make a website with a particular effect on all my images, including images with links. All of the images on the page will appear in grayscale through a filter, and then on mouseover, they will fade into the original color scheme of the picture, and then when there is no mouseover, it will return to normal. In an ideal world, the mouseover will not change the entire image back to the original coloring, but only just a portion, like a spotlight. I remember seeing this done before on a website I can no longer find. It seemed to also glow with silver in the color change.

    The codes I have found online over the last few hours are similar, but not quite what I want (most have been javascript with fade elements or opacity that work on the whole image). I was wondering if anyone knew of a code that was like the one I had in mind or would be willing to help me make it from existing codes that are similar?


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