Flash thingy needed..
Date: 03/03/07
(WebDesign) Keywords: no keywords
I need this "thing" that's done in Flash. Will try to explain what it is...
It's a rectangle with 5 numbers in the bottom of the flash movie. Each one corresponds to a image so if you push the 3 button, you will see the image that is listed as #3 in the file. The images will rotate and when say #4 image is showing, the number 4 on the bottom will be highlighted to indicate that's what it is. If you click on the image that's being shown, you will be sent to a related page.
Hopefully you have seen this or know what I am talking about and can point me in the direction of where to get the FLA.
It's for a Realtor that wants to show Featured Listings on the home page of their site. Im hoping it's easy for them to update on their own.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1228498.html