more dreamweaver voodoo

    Date: 03/04/07 (WebDesign)    Keywords: no keywords

    another mystery I'd love to solve is why, when I have developed a *lovely and beautiful* template that looks fine,and I create a bunch of pages from it, and they look fine for a while...suddenly they start displaying an "E" in certain sections. It would be easy if the E developed in editable sections of the pages, but no! It lives in the uneditable section. Ok, so it's coming from the template, right? WRONG. it only exists in the pages. So to get rid of it, I have to detach the template from the page, take out the E, then reapply the template to the page. Ok, problem solved, right? WRONG! NOW Dreamweaver doesn't recognize the Document Body or Document Title sections of my file (sometimes others) and so throws a fit when I reapply the template. I reassign these sections to "nowhere" and things look ok, but I secretly wonder if there isn't something weird goin on somewhere that won't appear until later.

    Can anyone recommend a witch doctor to get rid of this voodoo???

    Or the answer might be the "upgrade" spell...


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