Need Guru help

    Date: 04/20/07 (WebDesign)    Keywords: php

    Dearest Guru, help dummy.

    There is a lot of tutorials (exactly, a clone of single one) how to build a tree on PHP, but I did't found any useful info about doing same on Perl.

    The base is primitive - id, parent_id, title, ..., ..., ...

    How to? I thought about inset queries, but got stuck about that if you declare handle $sth=$dbh->prepare"SELECT..." once and use $sth->execute, then until while (@row=$sth->fetchrow_array) is finished, it's useless for a secondary time, so there is no sense at SELECT in SELECT. Another way - write every cycle manualy - $sth1, $sth2, $sth3, but in this case amount of levels is strictly limited, construction is quite irrational. Is there any time-proved solutions?

    Guru, help.


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