Virus software

    Date: 04/23/07 (WebDesign)    Keywords: software, browser, security, virus, antivirus, web, microsoft

    So... This isn't a web design question, but I'm clueless when it comes to most Microsoft applications. I was hoping someone here might have some ideas for me.

    I go to a local youth center once a week to work on their computers. It's a bit of a grassroots, low-budget project, and they've pieced together a set of machines running on XP. They're not networked, but they have internet connections. They don't have any security software built in, so a few of the computers are so choked up with junk that they're barely usable. When I tried to clean them up, I realized I'd probably have to download any security programs on my own computer and install them on CD since the browsers won't work anymore.

    My question is:

    What would you do in this situation? Money is an issue since it's a youth center. I can't use the browsers. Would you uninstall the browsers? Or will some antivirus software clean everything automatically? Any other issues that might come up in the process? What application would you choose?

    Thanks much!


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