tweaking movable type
Date: 04/25/07
(WebDesign) Keywords: no keywords
If anyone can help me out, I'd definitely appreciate it, as I know nothing about perl (case in point: this IS perl, right?).
so for mt-comments.cgi, the script is set up so that when someone posts a comment, it takes them to that specific entry's page down to where the comments start. this is normally not a big deal because the only place with said comments field are those individual pages, except in this specific case.
i want to use the comments system in MT to set up a shoutboard where people can just post comments or something that then show up instantly in that column. when they make the comment, i want the script to return them to the page where they made it. so if someone decides to post from page X, i want them to be sent back to page X after it is processed, and be sent to page Y if they posted from page Y. Sadly, I don't know the coding to back this up. Any advice?
return $app->redirect($comment_link);