script that generates relative URLs?

    Date: 04/26/07 (WebDesign)    Keywords: php, web, google

    so this movable type comments thing i am trying to tweak, i made some progress. hopefully someone can help me overcome this (hopefully last) hurdle.

    the way works in Movable Type is that when it gets a value that is equal to 1, it will redirect the user to the permalink for that specific entry. when the value does not equal 1, it will redirect them to the static URL of the website + the value sent to it.

    aka: if i set the value as /hello.php, the redirect will go to

    now, the comment form that will include the value is going to be an .inc file that displays on every page, and when the comment is entered, i want them to return to that page where they made it. this means i want the value to be equal to the relative URL where they came from. is there a way to do this with php?

    thanks in advance and +1000 internets if anyone can figure this out for me. i'm google searching away as it is right now.


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