setting up domain hosting

    Date: 05/09/07 (WebDesign)    Keywords: web, yahoo

    I have a question.

    I just bought a domain from Yahoo. I was looking and I found someone else to host me. She e-mailed me all this information [under cut]

    Here is the information for your domain.
    | New Account Info |
    | Domain: -
    | Ip: -
    | HasCgi: y
    | UserName: -
    | PassWord: -
    | CpanelMod: x
    | HomeRoot: /home
    | Quota: 800 Meg
    | NameServer1: -
    | NameServer2: -
    | NameServer3:
    | NameServer4:
    | Contact Email:
    Your ftp info (when the domain resolves) is:
    username: -
    password: -

    I took out all the information she gave me. Now my question is. Where do I put all this information? I went to Yahoo's DNS Management thing and to Change Nameservers but it says that Yahoo has to be either the Primary or Secondary [the girl gave me 2 nameservers]. I'm lost with that. Also I have no idea where to put the IP address and everything else.

    I know the FTP info goes into the FTP Client [which i'm using SmartFTP, btw].

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. I e-mailed the girl twice and have yet got gotten responses, so thats why i'm posting this here.

    X-Posted to '[info]'web_design


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