Date: 05/15/07 (WebDesign)    Keywords: technology, web

    Is it just me or does McDonalds have a really awful web layout?

    Here is a note I wrote to McDonalds about it:
    Your website is really awful. I've been looking around the net for all the major brands I can think of (I'm a designer/developer and am always looking to see what other designers come up with) and I expected a corporation as big as McDonalds to have a better page than this. I realize not many of your customers have any need for McWeb interaction, but as a major (perhaps one of THE major) corporations in the world, you should do some justice to your product and have a nice webpage. You might want to take a look at what has done with the get the glass campaign for example. I would think that particularly with all the contests you have going that you could come up with something better than this. I would suggest aiming at more content and a more interactive web 2.0 layout. The future is now, after all, and if McDonalds has been able to adapt and survive, even grow as a corportation for the past 50 years, you'd think you would be keeping up with the times and technology of 2007.

    Whereas, oddly enough Burger King seems to hire pretty good designers:

    On a different note, if anyone knows of some really excellent corporate pages (especially retail) I'd appreciate you pointing me in the right direction. Thanks in advance!



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