Red or blue?

    Date: 06/06/07 (WebDesign)    Keywords: web

    I've come to the point where my freelance business has gone beyond just doing websites for people, and because of that, I need to rebrand myself beyond the name of Heinsite to one that's more indicative of an overall creative entity. So I've decided on this concept, BUT I need your help - red or blue, people. Only you (and everyone else that I'm going to bother with this question) can help me decide!

    For my business cards, I'm going to use "tidbit cards" - they'll be double-sided 2.5" by 2.5" on stiff thick cardstock. The logo on the front will be raised, and the color on the back most likely flat - I might put a varnish on my name & the site url, but other than that, the rest will be matte.

    Thanks guys!

    x-posted to graphicdesign


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